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The Secret to Keep Long Service Life of Public Toilet Partitions

Public toilet partitions are used widely in daily life. The service life would be shorten if they couldn’t be used correctly, so daily maintenance of toilet partitions is extremely necessary. Today, JIALIFU will introduce some methods of daily maintenance.

1. Toilet partitions should be handled carefully when transportation and package, avoid harsh carry.

2. Avoid direct sunlight, unless the toilet partitions would be cracked under direct exposure.

3. Heavy weights are not allowed be put on the toilet partitions, unless they would lead to color fade or deformation.

4. It would be better to keep dry environment to keep away from being musty on some edge-banding material.

5. As for the solid wood material, it must be better to print once several years, which can keep high color brilliance.

6. As for the HPL toilet partitions, warm water or acetone or some mild detergent can be used when cleaning, while some highly acidic detergent is nor allowed. Some stubborn stains could be cleared out by hypochlorous.

7. As for some stainless steel material, some dust and stains can be cleaned out by suds or warm water. Some attached fingerprints can be cleaned by alcohol or organic solvent.

8. The cigarette butts are forbidden when direct touch, which will damage the surface of the toilet partitions.

The toilet partitions can be used longer if the above daily maintenance ways could be taken care.

Download the Clean-Maintenance Guide.