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The comparison to different kinds of building materials

We Jialifu hereby listed the several building materials comparison for you as reference and hope it will do you a favor in your later purchase.

December 05, 2016
The project for the Jialifu new invented toilet cubicles

The new invented hpl honeycomb toilet cubicles launched before long, we Jialifu ushered to the first project in Bujumbura.

December 06, 2016
Which is better for washroom cubicles between HPL panels and new style PVC

Let's make a brief comtraction on the  hpl toilet cubicles and the new developed PVC toilet cubicles.

December 20, 2016
The choice of the urinal cubicles material

The urinal cubicles can be one of the parts that is easy to be ignored  of the waterproof performance. Jialifu tells you that to choose the right material of the urinal dividers is also important.

December 31, 2016
The secret of the commercial washroom partitions deodorization

A good commercial washroom partitions can creat some commercial value for you. Let's have a look that how should we do. 

January 3, 2017