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Saudi Build 2017 Comming Soon

JIALIFU will participate in No. 522-4 booth of Saudi Build exhibition as Guangdong Yuhua Building Materials Co.,Ltd with our main products such as toilet cubicles, lockers, wall claddings, tables and benches.

Oct. 21 2017
China Import and Export Fair 2017 Came to Close

China Import and Export Fair 2017, or as known as Cantonfair 2017 finally came to an fruitful close, Jialifu took part in this event as a toilet cubicle and locker manu

October 20, 2017
How to Deal with Graffiti in bathroom Stalls

We get more and more graffiti on bathroom stalls, here is a new vision about how to deal with bathroom graffiti.

October 25, 2017
Meet us at ACETHCH in November

Jialifu with compact laminate board will participate in ACETECH 2017, don't miss us at Booth No.:5A-26 at Hall 5.

Oct. 30
ACETECH 2017 Came to Close

ACETECH came to close and we had a wonderful time in Mumbai. Our products were welcomed and we will continue to improve our products and services.

November 6, 2017