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Why is there a large gap between the door to floor of the US public toilet cubicle?

I guess many people have traveled to US and most of you must have seen and experienced the public toilet there. Will you come arise of the thoughts of why there is a large gap between the door to floor and how your privacy can be guaranteed?

Every coin has two sides, the large gap may be not safe for the users’ privacy or it will cause something bad influence, but here we just talk about the what edges it may bring for us.

1. Although the privacy is especially thought highly in the western countries, different country has the different definition of the privacy. It seems that the Americans are accustomed to the design of the toilet cubicle.

2. Most public toilet in the western country adopting the lavatory instead of the squat toilet in China public toilet cubicle. So that the users’ privacy can be under guaranteed

3. The large gap design of the cubicle system can avoid something undesirable happening in it such as the drug taking or sexuality erotism.

4. Another strength is to protect the cubicle door from distortion caused by kicking by the users who feel restless or have waited for long time.

5. The huge gap of the door to floor make the people outside could clear see whether there is somebody or not so that they don’t have to hesitate or wait outside for an empty toilet.

6. If the lock jammed or something (super-unlikely, sure) unexpected, people could crawl out under the door; while to the minor gap of the toilet cubicles, they couldn't.

7. Of course, reducing the material to leave the gap can save a small cost and the buyer doesn’t have to customize the size of the cubicle door to pay an extra budget.

May be it has more strengths for the designers in spite of the feeling that your privacy will be left out. Jialifu, the toilet cubicle manufacturer has been also received several cases of the cubicle design from the US buyers. The cubicle design in US toilet with a professional cubicle manufacturer could make the toilet cubicle use for more years.